Thursday, January 26, 2012

Epic Fail!

For those of us "of a certain age", changes are taking place within our bodies that cannot be stopped or ignored. The especially cannot be ignored by those who live with us, work with us, or otherwise have daily contact. We can be weepy, sentimental and clingy. Three minutes later we can be whiny, hateful and snippy. Murderous, violent and capable of communicating threats after that. Due to the fact that I have a husband who I have to deal with on a daily basis, and a job, I have seen a Doctor to try to get my hormones under control. I can't do estrogen replacement therapy, so my only choice is using other medications to try and get myself on somewhat on an even keel.
I took an antidepressant for about 3 years, and that seemed to do the trick. I went back to the doc in December, and she changed my medication due to the fact I was having more of the symptoms mentioned above. (at least once a day, I burst into tears for no reason, and then wanted to kill someone. It was a bit disruptive, especially at work).
I got a new medication, and something to help with the "transition" from one med to the other.
I have gotten up at 4:30 am almost every day for 6 weeks. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed, at 4:30 am I am  up and raring to go. My burst of early morning energy lasts until just about time to go to work. As you can see, this tends to cause a bit of a problem. My boss will not change his schedule to suit me, so that is the first "fail".
The "transitional" med does absolutely nothing. It is supposed to the the "edge" off and help me sleep.  Pish Tosh! NOTHING!  If it helped me sleep, I would not have the 4:30 am problem, and you can ask my coworkers and family, "edgy" does not begin to cover it. Fail number two.
The third fail, and certainly not the least important one, this medicine that does not work will cost me
 $ 175.00 per month.  WHAT????? Someone needs to "splain" to me why I pay $700 per month in insurance premiums, because I ain't seeing it!
Going back to the doc today, to see if we can fix this problem. My sweet hubby asked if I wanted him to go with, and I told him it wasn't necessary, I know just what to tell the doc: "This crap doesn't work, give me something else. And if you still won't give me something to help me sleep, I am coming to your house every morning at 4:30 am to see if you want to come out and play!"

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Doctor appointment

I went to the doctor, and she found a number of things "wrong" with me. None of them are serious, everything can be corrected with medicine, and most of them involve 'the change".
My mood is unpredictable, (my sweet husband considers that the understatement of the year), I am having trouble sleeping, ( at night, I seem to be able to nap), and I am having hot flashes. Part of the problem is thyroid related, (thanks sis, you were right!) so I am now taking a thyroid pill.
Getting older brings lots of new situations and challenges. It also provides one an excuse for behavior that is less that exemplary....sometimes that part is even fun!

Friday, December 30, 2011


I just turned 50. I thought it would be more momentous, fireworks, bells and whistles and all that crap. Turns out, I went shopping with my Mom, and got my ears pierced. AT THE TOP! How crazy it that, right?
The assistant manager at Claire's, (who was all of 18), mentioned that if you got both sides pierced at the same time, you could possibly have trouble sleeping. I dismissed her concerns.  I mean, I am a grown woman who has had 2 babies, been thrown off a horse, had a REALLY mad cat attack my arm instead of the dog, and other injuries that you will probably hear about later. How bad could it be? I'm tough!
She was right.....and I am an idiot. Unless you 're flat on your back, looking straight up, or flat on your stomach, with your face in the pillow, it HURTS! I haven't metioned to my sweet hubby why I am having so much trouble sleeping, because I don't want to hear it!